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What is pyrolysis?
Pyrolysis is a process where material (like plant waste, plastic or rubber) is heated to high temperatures in the absence of oxygen, causing it to chemically decompose. This process transforms the material into smaller molecules, resulting in products like bio-oil, …
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Raze 1: Old Artificial Grass Fields Removings for Free!
With the correct preparation, removing of artificial grass can be a complimentary service.Please contact us well in advance, ideally at least two months before the field removal.Additional conditions: the customer must pay the transport from the object to the waste …
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Raze 2: Discarded Artificial Grass Collecting Throughout the EU for Free!
This service is designed for local authorities and sports clubs. Artificial turf left in place for over two years can be surrendered for waste processing at no charge (though transportation fees apply). Please contact us well in advance, ideally at …
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Raze 3: Purifying Old Artificial Grass Systems for Chemical Pyrolysis Recycling
Purifying old artificial grass and SBR rubber for chemical pyrolysis recycling. We accept all kinds of artificial turf, including their infill materials. The entry fee is determined either per square meter or based on weight. Please reach out to us …
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